Wednesday 4 July 2012

Top Purveyors Of The Poker Podcast

Back in the good ol' Journey #1 days I mentioned my brother, Hugh Jarce. Now, while chatting with Hugh the other day, he mentioned the "2+2 Poker Cast" and recommended it to me as solid aural nourishment. Well, after just a google search or two later, the whole world of poker podcasts opened up to me and before you know it, I had downloaded nearly 100 poker podcasts in the one evening from various sources and I am now the proud owner of an iPod chock-full of poker podcasts - all lined up before me and ready to be listened to through these babies:

(It's what all the trendy poker players are using these days.)

All you need to do is to fire up iTunes, pop into the iTunes store, click the Podcast tab, type "poker strategy" into the Search function, scroll down to the Podcast panel and click on "See All". You then get the icons of all the purveyors of poker podcasts and can subscribe and download to your heart's content. If you download from a number of different sources, it's like having loads of different poker radio channels right there on your iPod! Fantastic!! Here are the ten different suppliers of podcasts that I downloaded from...

All I can say is, if you are a poker fan and are ok about listening to people rabbiting on about poker then these podcasts are definitely worth a whirl. Personally, I'm less into listening about the pros and the celebrity players and much prefer it when they talk strategy. But even through listening to the pros, and what they're up to, you certainly get a feel for what's happening in the zeitgeist of the poker world. Most are American but "In The Muck" and "StoneColdBluff" are refreshingly UK based. All good. 

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