Thursday 27 September 2012

...And The Blu Ray Films

I was a bit sceptical about blu-ray at first and had a kind of "yeah, whatever" attitude towards them initially but after buying my first blu-ray player and watching it properly for the first time I became a convert. Buying a handful of blu-ray discs became a no-brainer if only to appreciate the step-up in quality and audio. DVDs can hold up to about 4.5gb of information whereas blu-rays can contain up to around 25gb!! That's a lot of extra pixels crammed in!! However, not all blue-ray discs are created equal; you only have to visit this site to realise that there is a big difference in the actual quality out there.

With this in mind, I decided to go buy me a few films on blu-ray - mainly to really check out the picture quality (PQ). This list may contain a few films that may raise a few eye-brows (I certainly wouldn't ordinarily buy 300 or Speed Racer) but after reading various forums, I was convinced that these had to be purchased. Here are all the films I bought...

13 Assassins
District 9
Inglorious Basterds
Matrix Trilogy
Minority Report
Pan's Labyrinth
Speed Racer
Thin Red Line

Of these films, I have only watched Inglorious Basterds thus far (and the first Matrix film ages ago on DVD) and the opening scenes to this film, of the rural French countryside in the 1940s, in comparison to DVDs, is miles ahead. Similarly, Baraka, the first ten minutes I watched by way of a "sneak quick peek", looked incredible.

Anyway, possibly missing from this list is Black Hawk Down which I've heard is supposed to have superior audio quality to pretty much anything else out there so I may add that to my list this weekend. Any recommendations (TV or film) would be gratefully received.

Catch ya later....


P.S. Oh yeah, before I go I just need to mention, for the record, the "miscellaneous" blu-ray and DVDs that I also bought for those cold winter evenings...

First up, this...

No collection should be without it. And these...

Daring, one-of-a-kind, deadpan comedy that can give you wings. Not for everyone but check this out...


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