Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Ball Didn't Really Roll...

...Well it did (and it still is) but just not in the direction in which I'd hoped.

Here I am, 12 weeks after my last post about how I was going to report on my live sessions... and... nothing!

Yep you've guessed it, those first sessions of July were out and out failures. Not only the one or two just after that post mind you, but three or four big fat further regrettable failures that followed also. Thus causing me to be thoroughly pissed off with the game and kinda making me not want to write one jot about the ruddy game of poker at all. One truth I've learned: it's much easier writing about poker when you're winning! When you go through a series of one losing session after another, the last thing you want to do is write about the whole bleedin' experience; especially when you make some lousy, incorrect decisions which I certainly did. Agreed, it's good to write about losses in a way - for self-therapy and for dealing with the defeat - but when you've made some real crappy decisions as well, you don't really want to start the journey off on such a swampy and shitty road.

Thankfully, of course, balance has generally returned to the force and a good few sessions have ensued over the month of August and September. However, truth be told, I've still had my fair share of losing sessions sprinkled within that time and this has really made me question whether I'm still really as good as I think I am. I'm actually down a good few hundred over the year!!

This brings me to where I am now...

Live poker easily remains the best form of entertainment for me in all sorts of ways. I still think you can learn so much about yourself (and others) by playing live poker sessions - and the fact that each experience is different makes it all the more rich and exciting. Even though the game has been coming at me at a small price during the middle part of this year, I'm still very hopeful that I can get my old form back. In fact, I reckon I can not only get firmly back on the saddle but can ride off majestically into the beautiful and sunny land that awaits as well!! My intention really IS to report on my live sessions come what may but, dear reader, I just need a few more months to prepare myself mentally for the proper journey... which will begin at the start of 2013!!

The GREAT thing about this latest venture that I've planned is that rather than coming at you with graphs of my monumental success, I'll be entering the fray on the back of a much more modest, more break-evenish footing. As such it'll be a more experimental, uncertain and even cautious way forward. It is NOT 2010 anymore and the games are getting tougher so I really think I'll be entering unknown territory this time round and I'm under no illusions that there is an even bigger chance that things will go tits up. 

As a poker player you have to prevent good players from catching up with you and prevent the better players from overtaking you  - and the only way to do that, besides killing them all off, is to get better at the game yourself. My blip, over the last 3 months or so, has told me that I'm probably getting lazy and that I'd better bloody well get better over these next few months. If not, I'll not only have a losing year overall BUT I'll be dead in the water at the start of 2013 and not even stand a chance.


That's all set for 2013 then. I'll try to bring you the excitement, dynamism and the joys and despair that you can feel when you step onto the mental roller-coaster ride of live cash game poker. Hell, I might even take notes while at the table to make sure I (and you) get all the juicy details on the strategy, the tells, the psychology of the game and the different variety of personalities that assemble around a table. In the meantime, I'm going to just type up a few posts about how I think I am improving at the game (such as it is), how I'm getting on in general with life and maybe even write about a few live cash game sessions that I'll have from now until the end of the year.

It's feeling good to be back boys and girls.

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