Sunday 4 September 2011

Sad & Stuck In September

My Vegas trip reports need to be recorded for posterity but writing up the notes, messing around with the HTML codes and fiddling around with Paint to make sure the presentation is right can be very time-consuming and I've decided to take a break from all that today. It's also back to work tomorrow so I've decided to take it a bit easy today with a long session on the computer game "DeathSpank" which I had downloaded from Steam. It's pretty much a Diablo II clone but very satisfying and very well put together with plenty of humour thrown in and a fun way to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life. 

Since returning from Vegas, poker has been terrible. I've already had that £40 live game loss - and maybe that should have sent out a warning sign because the online game has been unbearably bad. Over the last three days I've just had a terrible run of cards and on the extremely rare times I've been getting premiums I've either got paid off nothing for them or been outdrawn on the flop. I seem to have missed 99.9% of flops and every single time I seem to make a move, it backfires and blah blah blah... you know the drill. I just seem to be going through one of those phases where I seem to have forgotten how to play the game properly.

Anyway, crying over, it's probably best that I take a fairly long break from the game now especially, as I say, my mind should be on work matters. I'll try and get back into doing the trip reports as soon as possible because I do find these quite therapeutic.  

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