Wednesday 28 September 2011


As September draws to a close, and the new month approaches, I have to say that, as far as the game of poker is concerned I'm not particularly unhappy to see the back of this month. Over just a few days earlier in the month, online poker gave me such an almighty kick in the teeth that I really do think I'm done with the online arena until the end of the year. Furthermore, with such a busy schedule regarding non-poker activities, I've only had time for the one single live poker session - and even that was a disappointing affair which had me cursing The Fox Poker Club and costing me £40 into the bargain!  Not exactly a prolific month at all:


January----------   + £960   ----------------   - £520   -----------   + £440   --------- + £440
February---------  + £740   ----------------   + £60    -----------   + £800   --------- + £1240
March------------   - £230   -----------------   + £810  -----------  + £580   ---------- + £1820
April---------------  + £70   ------------------   - £700   -----------   - £630   ---------- + £1190
May--------------   + £370   -----------------   - £90   ------------   + £280   --------- + £1470
June-------------   + £340   ------------------  + £440   ----------   + £780   ---------- + £2250
July----------------  -£220  --------------------   +£100  -------------   -£120  ------------ + £2130
August-------------  +£285  ------------------  +£240  -------------- +£525  ------------ +£2655
September--------   -£40  -------------------   -£340  --------------  -£380  ------------ +£2275


I'll certainly not be at the tables over the next few days so this chart is definitely it for September. (It is the first month where I'm down at BOTH the online game and the live game.) With 3 months to go before it's sayonara from the blog, my main attention is now turning to my live poker campaign for October which is going to be very interesting indeed after such a long absence from my old haunts. Unfortunately, I won't be able to get to the tables this weekend as I need to return a car to the south coast - but I MAY play a little 50p/£1 at the Gala in Bournemouth if I can motivate myself to get out there. That just depends on how I feel. Overall, I'm looking at playing the £1/£2 live cash games (mainly at The Empire) with a £2K bankroll until the end of the year. Then, I plan to relaunch my poker career (again) with a new and improved mindset (and blog-free) in the new year.

As far as online poker goes, I still find no reason to return to the virtual tables and to deposit any money online. As I'm still reporting to the blog and have finished up exactly break-even for the year, I'm actually thinking of freezing all my online play until the new year when I won't have to report to anyone but myself  - and when I won't feel so much pressure to end up in the black!
So there it is. Pretty much a break-even stretch all the way through July, August and September - but also, interestingly, a definite "nit-it-up" attitude after being hit for quite a lot during the spring-time. I really hope I can build a little bit up over October so that I can end the year with a cheer come the end of December...
Let's Go!!!

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