Thursday 8 September 2011

VEGAS: 22nd August (Poker) - Part 2

Day/Night 6: Monday 22nd August (Poker) - Part 2

Planet Hollywood
Bought In For: $240
90 Minutes

This turned out to be a tight session of ABC poker which allowed me to get a little bit of pride back, as well as a few dollars, after the beating I suffered at O'Shea's. There was just the one hand that stood out but there were no real drama hands - apart from a guy on a nearby table hitting a diamond royal flush to claim a 4-figure jackpot bonus!

Key Hand #1
I forget the preflop action but I look down at AK and see A K x (all red cards) hit the flop for top two pair. I check raise all-in the timid villain's bet of $20 which means she'll need to call with the rest of her $50 chips. I figure there are just too many draws out there to allow a free card so make her pay the maximum if she wants to see. She decides to fold and I scoop up a small pot.

This table soon began to be run by internet whizzkid over in Seat 3 who just ended up bossing the table brilliantly. Complete with grey hoodie, designer headphones and the evil eyes to match I reckon he just sensed weakness and so proceeded to pound the table relentlessly. I mentioned this guy's uncanny ability at hoovering up the chips to the pretty young lady next to me, who was over for just one day on a conference, and she said she hated this type of player and just wanted to strike him down!

Personally, I stayed well out of his way but was quite impressed as he built up a couple of huge twin towers in front of him with his vastly accumulating $5 chips. Unlike the unfortunate state of the old twin towers of New York, this guy's erection looked like it was going to stand firm for some time. With just a small set-back of one buy-in in the early part of the session, internet whizzkid just seemed to have a complete disregard for the value of money and was getting paid off a fortune for his made hands!

Profit/Loss For Session: +$35
Profit/Loss For Day: -$87
Profit/Loss For Trip: +$652

Bought In For: $300
30 Minutes

Following my resurgence at PH, and tanked up with large quantities of alcohol, I enter the MGM poker room and sit down to a table full of competent no-nonsense players. They are in no mood for my twaddle, particularly the ladies sitting to my left who resemble a couple of butch lesbian-types. They pretty much ignore me and carry on with their own private conversation which is the type of conversation that implies they don't want to be bothered by anyone - especially a drunk Brit who's just arrived at the table. Taking the hint I don't think I have anything in common with them and, after the way I am ignored by them, don't really care and so make no effort to listen in. The guy from Canada, on my right, is a little more sociable and friendly BUT learning my lesson from the earlier session at O'Shea's, don't think I'll be staying very long. There was only one hand worth recounting:

Key Hand #1
As far as I recall, I think I'm on the button and limp in while looking down at the 4 6 of spades. Ms Rude Lesbian-Type bets $10 from the small-blind and Mr Ordinary Man in Seat 10, who must have limped in mid-position, makes the call. Due to being blanked earlier I get a sudden attack of what Jared Tendler might call "Being Ignored By A Lesbian Tilt" and make the beer-fuelled call for an extra $8. The flop comes A x x with two spades giving me the flush draw.

Ms RLT makes a curious bet of $10 and this is called by Mr Ordinary. Through the drunken haze, I'm thinking these two are probably just not too keen on their hands and so throw in a $40 raise. Ms RLT folds and Mr Ordinary mucks his hand as well while uttering, "You're making me fold my ace." And that's just fine.
During yet another walk from MGM to Planet Hollywood, on the way to Harrah's, I start to get just a tad tired of the distance and the heat and I vow never to do this stretch of the strip again. (Although I do end up doing it later.)

Profit/Loss For Session: +$10
Profit/Loss For Day: -$77
Profit/Loss For Trip: +$662


Bill's Gamblin' Hall
Bought In For: $100
1 Hour

By midnight, I'm off on a drunken wobble from MGM back to the Harrah's hotel but decide to have one more pop at the poker so pop into Bill's for a little $0.50/$1. As is often the case when I'm a bit sloshed at the poker table, I decide to just fold all my hands and not play any hand unless I get a monster. But, never mind the poker, the most interesting thing about this session is that after talking a bit with the fella on my immediate left I discover that he's the dad of one of the kids I used to teach at school back in London! We then end up chatting heartily for the rest of the session and he even wins an all-in hand which has me cheering like an idiot and shouting "London for the win!"

Once again though, this poker room just began to get too damn cold after a while.

Profit/Loss For Session: -$15
Profit/Loss For Day: -$92
Profit/Loss For Trip: +$647


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