Tuesday 13 September 2011

Slowing Down Big-Time

Since getting back from Vegas at the end of August, poker has slowed right down for me these last few weeks making this the quietest month for poker by far this year so far. I've had one live session (the £40 loss) and a 2 to 3 day disastrous online stretch that saw me burn through £340 fairly swiftly to leave me, once again, wondering why the hell I continue to plug away at the online game at all.

The consequence is that I've stopped playing online (yet again). I've also put the breaks on the live game as well but this is more to do with the upcoming university life that my daughters have got to look forward to more than anything else. Last weekend was taken up with getting a coach down to Bournemouth from London to get the use of a car which needed to be driven back from Bournemouth to London so that I could then take the elder daughter's stuff over to Bristol. I then had to drive back to London again!

Next week it's a nice round trip up to Leeds and back to ferry the younger daughter and her gear up there. I'll still have to drive back to Bournemouth from London at some point to drop off the car as well after this - not to mention the fact that I'll have to get the coach back to London again! By this time, I really will have had enough of travelling and bloody public transport and all this, of course, (apart from a fortune being spent on petrol and travelling expenses) means very little time for poker. 

With this going on, as well as shopping trips to get more "essential" items for the daughters, along with family meals out (which they insist on having) means the playing of poker has just not been an option and will unlikely be an option over the coming weeks. What I have left, though, are my Vegas trip reports and once I get a trip to IKEA out of the way tonight (more kitchen utensils, cooking tools, appliances and parting with more cash), I'm really going to try to get a few of those reports out this week.

That's it.

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