Saturday 5 November 2011

Live Session #59: Why Tap The Glass?

Tonight just ended up being a three hour session at The Empire from about 5:30PM to 8:30PM. Once again, the table proved lively and had its great share of characters - which I have now come to expect almost every time I visit the Leicester Square venue. The main topic of conversation tonight though was mainly instigated (and milked for all it was worth) by a European chap who took great offence from the fact that two Chinese players "colluded" by soft-playing each other in two or three hands, while heads-up, by checking their hands down to the river. The fact that no one else at the table seemed to mind certainly didn't prevent this guy from going on and on about it and continuing to argue with the dealer about it for an age. Trouble was the Chinese players in question weren't particularly good (some players may even have labelled them a pair of fish) - and the result of this endless complaining? The pair of them upped and left, that's what, taking all their chips with them to be replaced by a pair of better players! Thank you very much and well played - you doughnut!!

Still, the small amount of ducking and diving tonight helped me gain a small profit which eradicated the small loss from last night and, I guess, was enough to give me the confidence I need as I build up my bankroll for 2012. I left the table at 8:30PM to grab a bite to eat, check out what was going down at The Golden Nugget (the one cash table was full) and to peep in on the main event at The Fox. I had an inkling to play more poker but after considering my state of mind, decided I would just book the small profit and head home for an early night.

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