Saturday 12 November 2011


Well, as you may have gathered from my lack of posts this month, along with the short length and lack of detail in each, I'm struggling a little bit on this here journey of mine. What should really be a bright merry path has now turned into a heavy-going marathon and it's a bit of a slog, folks, a slog. The reason is that as I hobble along on this dry and bumpy road, a dark cloud has formed above me and it's started to piss down with rain. Issues at work are getting me down and playing a lot of poker is probably not necessarily the right thing to do. Furthermore, these problems have meant that after I have played my sessions, recently, I've found it hard to drum up the enthusiasm to write about the poker at all. 

Without going into too much detail, the problems coming at me are from senior management. Fortunately, I have the full support of those in my department so at least there is a comforting cushion between the SLT and myself. The advice I'm getting from all quarters is basically that I should forget about it and fuck 'em - which is always what I've done in the past but this is sometimes difficult to do when you have doubts and uncertainties about certain things yourself.

Anyway, it's Saturday morning and despite all of this I've decided to take myself off and head into town today. First off, I'll be buying myself a couple of sweaters for the winter; I've still got my £4 primark number that I bought about 3 years ago for chrissake!! Secondly, I'll be settling in to play me some cash game poker. 'Twill be interesting to see how I cope under the circumstances. I'll let you know how I get on. 

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