Saturday 17 December 2011

It's A Wrap

Ok, well the idea was to keep £200 back for the live game until the end of the month but as I've just donked that off online, methinks I have come to the end of my poker journey for the year. It would be easy to say that the cards have just run badly for me over the last few months but truth be told my play has been shockingly bad recently, with my online play today being just awful. It may all be down to a bad frame of mind but whichever way you cut it, I really need to knock poker playing on the head for the year. There is really no need for me to struggle on in an attempt to climb out of this little hole I've been digging for myself over this last quarter so, poker-wise, it's all about starting afresh now.

The next two weeks will just be about enjoying Christmas, relaxing with the family, playing lots of computer games and studying (rather than playing) a bit of poker. I only really plan to do a few more posts; one to outline my bankroll strategy for 2012 and one to review how the year has gone.

Until next time...

Uncle Wobble.

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