Sunday 11 December 2011

Live Session #68: Frustration - Part 1

'Twas a fairly long session last night which consisted of visiting three poker rooms. Frustration was the order of the day. First up was a 5:30PM start at The Vic and a £1/£1 cash game. I bought in for £200 and lost around £100 in the first 10 minutes: 

Key Hand #1
I look down at JJ in early position and raise it up preflop. A very loose and tilting player opposite me goes all-in for the rest of his £34 in chips. It's folded back round to me and I call. He flips over AK and hits the ace on the turn. Why do the fish always win when you are the one competing against them?  

Key Hand #2
A few hands later tilting boy is still playing bizarrely and I look down at 10 J in late position. I raise it up preflop and he calls. The flop comes 10 x x with undercards to the ten and I decide to go all-in. Tilting boy calls and when the board gets dealt out he announces full-house and flips over 10 10! Another £60 goes south.
With about £90 in front of me, I dig in and manage to make a full recovery:

Key Hand #3
I'm looking at a 6 3 3 flop and I'm holding 6 3 in middle position. A villain in early position goes all-in for about £40 and I make the call. Another villain in later position announces that he's going to make a nit-fold and folds 3 2 face up! I realise more of a tank call was in order. Anyway, the rest of the board is dealt out and I take down the pot.

Key Hand #4
After getting dealt AA and winning about £25 I look down at AA once again and am delighted when there is an all-in of about £50 before me. I call and he flips over AK. My aces hold up and I'm back to break-even.
Two good players to my left then leave for a short ciggie-break and I'm able to boss the table for a little bit while it's short-handed but this is then followed by a drought of hands and I'm card-dead for about an hour and a half. I leave at 8:30PM, after a 3 hour session, about £30 down.

Next up, I decide to give The Fox a visit and I sit down at a £1/£1 table with a £200 buy-in at about 9:15PM. I play very loose early doors but get played back at and fold. I feel I'll get paid off if I actually hit something but get dealt total junk for the next hour and a half and leave while about £30 down.


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