Friday 23 December 2011

Live Session #70: The Last One?

Ok, so after a bit of Christmas shopping I thought I'd pop into The Fox Club to try my luck. A one hour card-dead session at the cash table proved fruitless with £40 going the wrong way there - and then I thought I'd give the £48 MTT a go. Well, with 24 players left (from about 70 runners) I was going great guns with an average stack and a not too tricky table - but then got dealt my curse hand: KK. I saw a 10K raise before me, threw in the rest of my 45K chips and got the call which my villain just about covered. He flips over KQ of spades and I'm none too surprised to see two spades hit the flop plus a straight draw for our skillful villain. The dealer rewards him with the 10 of spades on the river handing him the straight flush. So that was that.

What made things worse was that when I got home I thought I'd fire up PKR and try a little 100nl online play. Yep, there it is again: I get dealt KK and see a king on the flop to hand me a set! ...Oh, but there was the flush on the river for my opponent. Now I thought my days of taking out a bad beat on inanimate objects were over but I'm afraid to say the mouse did get a bit of a battering after that. I know poker players say things like this all the time and I know it's boring to hear but for the love of god am I ever going to win a decent pot with KK!!??

I know I wrote that I was done with poker for the year but I guess once a poker player, always a poker player and I felt I would play fine and I couldn't resist a little dabble at The Fox after the mad dash that is last-minute Christmas shopping - but Jesus H Christ I hope this bleedin' bad-run ends soon. Today, I've still got more Xmas shopping to do so it's another trek into town to brave the madness of the last-minute rush. They say that if you find yourself saying things to yourself like, "Can my luck get any worse!?" then it's probably not the best time to play but if I do end up in the poker room it'll be my last session of the year and I'll let you know how I get on.

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