Wednesday 7 December 2011

On The Up

About a month ago, I wrote that work was getting me down to such a degree that a little time off was needed to clear away a few demons that had crept into my head. I was so down about it that I even mentioned a change of job was on the cards or even a change of career! Well, I am very pleased to say that after returning to work and climbing back on the saddle for a short time, things are not only getting back to normal but that the outlook seems a lot rosier than it was before. My department, of course, have been superb but it's actually the kind words and the warm reaction of the students on my return that have inspired and motivated me to not only get back on the horse, but to start galloping along at a brisk pace! Life is good once again.

The other pick-me-up is that on the 16th December, a two and a half week break from work will come my way. This will provide me with plenty of time to cram in a little bit more study of the game and to have a little bit more practice at the live and online tables before I reset the scoreboard and start with a clean slate in 2012. The fact that I can do this two weeks before 1st January, and without the stress and worry of work getting in the way, is a great bonus. Hell, I might even throw in a few mid-week £1/£1 cash game sessions at The Vic into the bargain! I guess as long as I feel that my game is at a reasonable standard, that I'm confident with my new bankroll management strategy and that my mindset is sharp and focused for the new year - I think I'll be in tip-top condition for the new challenge.

As we go through the month, as well as keeping you posted about how my current poker exploits are going (as usual), I will also give you details of my action plan for both live and online poker in 2012 as and when the ideas come to me; just to get the clarity clear in my own head if nothing else. In an upcoming post, I'll let you know how my little online effort has been getting on.

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