Wednesday 21 December 2011

My End Of Year Review

Forgive me all, but being in run-bad mode for the last three and a half months means I'm not entirely as enthusiastic about writing this post as I probably should be. There again, to be honest, I've been quite thorough as far as reflecting back over the year is concerned - and an actual review just seems a bit superfluous. Lessons learned have been highlighted well enough in this post and a look at a bankroll management strategy for 2012 will be forthcoming. However, I'll go ahead and clarify the salient points just for the record.

The main point regarding online poker is that it's become a tougher, almost different style of game to the one I signed up to about 6 or 7 years ago. This is reflected in my online results this year (down a few hundred dollars) and consequently I'll be on a drastically reduced online starting bankroll for 2012.

Live poker meanwhile, although kinder results-wise over the year, has been a heavy-going affair over the last third which has seen a downward spiral and a four-figure hit to the live balance. Thankfully, satisfactory results over the first two-thirds of the year were enough to see me reach the finish-line in the black BUT paltry total winnnings of £1.5K is frankly unacceptable for the time and effort I've put into the game. To be honest, not quite what I had in mind when I started the wobbly blog.

As mentioned a few times, it would be easy to point to a poor run of cards as being the main contributory factor to account for this (five big losing hands totalling a loss of around £1K while holding those cursed KK comes to mind, along with extreme card-dead periods of time) but I have to raise my hand up to making some poor decisions as well while contesting some fairly big pots. 

Behind all this and despite the latest bad form, my study of the game is still an ongoing process and my hopes for 2012 remain high. With just ten days to go then until January, I don't think I'll be playing any more live sessions and the little activity I'll spend online will probably be at the micro-stakes. Whatever the situation, my main focus is now really on next year and I would like to outline that bankroll management strategy for 2012 in an upcoming post so that I can finally draw a line under my poker playing exploits and look to the future.

True, this summing-up has not quite been the fanfare or blowing of trumpets I had hoped for. Nevertheless this less than mediocre year does go to show that there really isn't anything definite in the world of poker. I can only hope that my consolation will come in the form of richer rewards next year.

Until next time...

Uncle Wobble.

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