Wednesday 26 October 2011

Too Nitty And Safe

The therapeutic value of blogging away on a regular basis for nearly 11 months cannot be underestimated. Posting at various intervals on various poker forums is also a good way of keeping the mind active and checking to see how your views chime in with others' as well. But not only do you see how the minds of people work, you also sometimes catch a glimpse of how others perceive you. I've been referred to as a "nit" on quite a few occasions, my play has been labelled "passive" at times and I've also been classed as a "fish" by a few of the better players - and with good reason. Even one of the respected mods on the PKR forum gave me "free advice" by saying I was an "uber NIT" and my game "lacked imagination"!

The truth is, they're right!! Looking back at my results over the year it has become clear to me that over the last 3 or 4 months, variance has flattened out to a boring degree  - indicating that I've not only decreased the amount of volume of hands that I've played but that I've really tightened up to an unsatisfactory level. I know I've become a bit of a stuck record as well recently with my talk of never wanting to play online and then making a deposit later on, only for me to win or lose a little bit and then stop again - and this is petty and has got to stop.

In the last two months and five days of this blog, therefore, I have decided to go with my read. Yes, I WILL be ditching online poker for the rest of the year. (Although I do have one Masters Stage 2 ticket worth $9.05 left, which I will use in the next few days.) I will be playing live cash games only and will no longer play any freezeouts at The Fox or anywhere else. I will play good, solid poker and have even promised the missus that my maximum consumption of alcohol will not go beyond 3 pints of an evening. I really mean business now.

The start of the end begins tonight. With the time at 5PM, I'm going to have a nice relaxing bath. Then I'll be heading into town with the intention of kicking off with a little £1/£1 at The Vic. From then on... who knows?

As always, I'll let ya know how I get on...

NOW COME ON!!!!!!!!!!

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