Sunday 30 October 2011


Although I have pinpointed the reason why showing results is disadvantageous, I guess I'm going to have to just keep posting them until the end of the year for the sake of making sure both this blog and the journey is complete.

Online poker has practically been a non-existent pastime this month. I had a day where I lost £75 at PKR back at the beginning of the month and then a few days where I won £75 at Paddy Power Poker. I don't expect to make a deposit this year but next year I may decide to have a small online roll just to use to pay for some satellites for the bigger MTTs.   

Forgive the cliche but live poker really has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride this month. The first session started off wonderfully when I left The Empire £450 richer. The next two sessions, addled by alcohol, saw me throw away £570 but this was followed by a smooth £100 winning session and brought me on the brink of a break-even month. Two more less swingy live sessions followed: one where the table was a calm unthreatening rock garden with the other being loose, wild and crazy - but both were ultimately break-even affairs.

Then yesterday, the last river card dealt in the last session in the month dashed my hopes of October being a winning month when it turned out to be the two-outer my opponent needed to cripple me. Had I dodged the 22-1 bullet, the number next to October and under my live poker stats would be chalked up in green and it would be over £400. Still, 'tis a small setback in the wider scheme of things and we've all been there. 'Twill make me stronger in the long run.


January----------   + £960   ----------------   - £520   -----------   + £440   --------- + £440
February---------  + £740   ----------------   + £60    -----------   + £800   --------- + £1240
March------------   - £230   -----------------   + £810  -----------  + £580   ---------- + £1820
April---------------  + £70   ------------------   - £700   -----------   - £630   ---------- + £1190
May--------------   + £370   -----------------   - £90   ------------   + £280   --------- + £1470
June-------------   + £340   ------------------  + £440   ----------   + £780   ---------- + £2250
July----------------  -£220  --------------------   +£100  -------------   -£120  ------------ + £2130
August-------------  +£285  ------------------  +£240  -------------- +£525  ------------ +£2655
September--------   -£40  -------------------   -£340  --------------  -£380  ------------ +£2275
October-----------  -£180  --------------------    XXX  --------------   -£180  -----------   +£2095


...So it's onto the month of November. Now, to be honest, I don't like this month very much. It's cold, wet and dark and signals the beginning of winter. What's more I get no break from work and the journeys back from anywhere (including from work AND Leicester Square) are often miserable. Now with work I have no choice about having to go in but with live poker, I do. But precisely because the weather is 'orrible and I have to travel in these conditions, I may end up reducing my playing time. 

Still, I'll keep ya posted.

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