Saturday 22 October 2011

A Week Off Work!

In the past, a week off work usually meant one thing: more time to play poker. The problem this time round is that, with work getting me down, I should probably ease off on the poker front for a while and wait until my mind is in a happier place. Making decisions involving hundreds of pounds at the cash game tables in this vulnerable frame of mind and with copious amounts of alcohol in my belly (which I guess I should avoid) is probably not a wise way forward. Furthermore, with online poker now being infested with far better players (and with a rant on the PKR forums explaining why I don't play on their site so much anymore) I think making an online deposit at the present time is riddled with problems as well.

At the moment, it's Saturday afternoon and I'm looking forward to a full week off work. That's the good news. The not so good news, in the light of what I have written above, is that the poker clubs and casinos are calling me so loudly that it's almost deafening! What makes it more tempting is that it's a beautiful and crisp sunny day - all the more reason to head on into town!

Therein lies the problem with live poker at the moment. I know I've been a long-term winning player over the last two years and the odd live session really should be seen as enjoyable and routine BUT I also know that I'm really not playing too well at the moment. On top of all this, with a week off work ahead of me, I know I'm liable to want to down the odd beer over the weekend while playing - and I've already mentioned countless times that this usually just makes matters worse.

The thing is, I often go into town wanting to start off lightly and not losing a ton of money straight away and so a £40 freezeout at The Fox is the ideal warm-up in this respect. Unfortunately, and as I say, I often find it hard to take a £40 event seriously and so end up buying a load of beers just to make the thing a little more fun and enjoyable and as an antidote to the straight-faced players who just seem to take the whole damn thing way too seriously for what it is. The real solution I guess (and it isn't rocket science), is to make sure I keep off the booze and to just play my normal cash game at The Empire and to avoid The Fox altogether - but, for the above reason, this is easier said than done.

So what to do?

Well part of me says that as an amateur player, who is not "supposed" to approach the game like a pro, it should be perfectly fine for me to carry on as normal. The sums are not massive amounts over the long-term and the game should be about just having fun anyway - so why not enjoy a few beers while playing? But the argument against this is that if I drink like a fish, I'll start to think like a fish - and then be in danger of actually becoming one and losing a chunk of money - something I don't really want to happen at the end of the year. The other side of the coin says that I should avoid the drink altogether and only bring my A-game to the table at all times. The correct way to play, of course.

Well, the fact of the matter is, we only have just over two months to go until the end of the year. This is a very short period of time and I could just as easily lose a huge stash of money while playing my A-game as I can win a huge stash while being a little bit worse for wear - so sod it. This is a blog about "bringing something different to the table" and it's about "a year in the life of an amateur poker player" not some hot-shot pro. The game is about fun for me and this blog is about entertainment - so let's throw caution to the wind and carry on as normal eh?

I'm thinking of heading into town tonight for a live poker session. I don't know if I'll be playing the 7PM freezeout at The Fox or if I'll be playing at The Empire. To be honest, I don't know if I'll be drinking - but whatever.
Let's Play Poker!!

P.S. Here is the best opera tune ever which was played near the end of the best western film ever (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly). The sound quality is not great (set the volume to high) but it's the singer's best live performance of the song on YouTube. BEAUTIFUL and GREAT!

P.P.S. I didn't go into town after all. Will probably head on over to The Fox on Sunday.

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