Friday 7 October 2011

I Like Bouncing Boing Boing Boing

If you were old enough in the 1980s to appreciate the "Not The Nine O'clock News" show then you may remember this classic closing song sung by the inimitable Rowan Atkinson. There is so much to appreciate in the space of just over the one minute, in which it is shown, that I've put it up as a shortcut on my browser for when I need to cheer myself up a bit.

First off you got the random chuckle at 0:06 which has nothing to do with what is going on; then you've got the shot of the trampolining man at 0:20 to emphasise that it's a song about bouncing; then the ingenious "bird named Denise" line, sung to sound like "Dennis" so it rhymes with "tennis"; and then the bizarre revelation at 1:00 that the singer still lives with his mum! There is this and so much more besides, to enjoy, that I thought I'd just pop it up on the ol' blog.

It seems like it may have been a pastiche of the ska sound of the 80s but no ska sound touches this one by Harry J Allstars. Check out the bridge at 1:24-1:55, awesome!

Tonight, I'll probably be off into town to play me a little cash game poker. Thing is, I haven't played in so long I feel like I might need me a few beers to get into the swing of things - but it IS Friday night after all. Anyway, whatever happens, I'll let ya know.


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