Tuesday 4 October 2011

I Really Do Mean It Now

With just one live session and only a few days of online poker played in September, I really did feel the need to scratch that poker itch over the weekend so on Sunday I made a one-shot deposit of £75 into PKR and played me a little poker.

Well, after about 400 or so hands of complete card-dead action later, the deposit has gone up in smoke. (I couldn't catch me a bleedin' beach ball if it was thrown softly towards me, I'm tellin' ya now!) Now, not only has the final nail been struck firmly into the online poker coffin but the coffin has been lowered down into the ground and the dirt well and truly piled in and flattened out. Even the gravestone, inscribed with the words "RIP - Online Poker 2011" etched into the stone has been plonked on top! That, is fucking IT!

Still, as is often the case when I give up online poker for a while, I now feel quite liberated by the experience and am glad to be freed from its grip and allure. To be honest, you really do need to have a particular mindset and apply certain skills properly to be a proper success at the online game nowadays - which really are quite different to the live game. I have to be truthful; I really don't think I have the skills, anymore, to keep up with the online game. Hell, I probably didn't even have them in the first place!

So that's that. Presently, I don't feel like making any more deposits into PKR or online poker until, at least, the new year which means that as far as this blog is concerned I really really really have reached the end of the road with online poker - that's it! Finished! The End!!

All this means that I still have a £2.2K balance, made from my live poker exploits, to play around with until the end of the year - and I guess I'm happy to call this my bankroll until the end of December. I'll still, no doubt, be super-nitty with it and restrain myself by putting a stop-loss limit on it as usual but we'll see how it goes from now until the end of 2011 eh?

With the weather being pleasant and with a bit of new-found freedom from bothersome daughters clogging up the house and asking for money left, right and centre I'm really starting to feel keen about getting stuck in at the felt this weekend. As such, this Friday and/or Saturday, will certainly see me heading on into town to play my first live session in over one month. The only question is whether to play it safe at a freezeout at The Fox with a load of super-serious wannabes who treat their £30 buy-in as if it's their life-savings or just take 500 odd quid and dive straight into a £1/£2 cash game at The Empire. Or maybe I should just take the middle ground and play me some £1/£1 at The Vic or The Golden Nugget? I dunno.

Whatever the case, I'll be rolling into London town this weekend folks - Now let's go!!

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