Sunday 23 October 2011

Live Session #54: Lesson Learned - Part 1

Finally, after yet another bust-out from a Fox freezeout event today, I think I've finally learned my lessons from the whole experience of entering their live MTTs through the year: (1) They're not going to make me a great deal of money, if any. (2) They're not gonna help me to develop as a player. (3) They're still the glorified lottery that I always thought they were.

On top of all of that I got one of the most bizarre rulings, against me, that I've ever heard at a live game in my life: the blinds are 300/600 with 50 antes. I'm looking at a flop which has given me a straight and a flush draw. It's checked round to me so I say "3" intending to bet 3000 but the dealer then makes the pedantic and bizarre decision that my announcement of "3" could have meant "300" and so says that my bet has to stand as a minimum bet of "600"!

I mutter something about it being obvious what I meant at this level of the tournament but I don't really feel that bothered, at first. However it's the other players at the table who call for a ruling. The floor manager comes over and upholds the decision by saying the bet has to stand as a 600 min raise!! As I say, I wasn't too bothered at first but then after a while, the more I thought about it, the more I just felt like the dealer and the floor manager were being a couple of arses.

All of the above negatives are just a few reasons why I really feel I should take my custom elsewhere, away from The Fox, on a more regular basis. The other reason became clear after my visit to The Empire afterwards. As I've mentioned on quite a few occasions before, apart from the fact that the ambiance of the place is far more relaxing and conducive to friendly chat, I reckon that if I can just keep myself sober and alert and on the ball (like I did at The Empire tonight) I think my edge at the cash games there just might be a bit more than I sometimes give myself credit for. And certainly better than any game The Fox can offer.

From now on, I really need to play to my strengths and stop doing the -ev stuff. I'm going to make an absolutely determined effort to avoid playing at The Fox Poker Club. I'm going to make sure I just play cash games - preferably at The Empire. And possibly most importantly, I'm going to avoid heavy drinking at the tables. Of course, the avoidance of playing online poker goes without saying. I reckon if I just put these things in place, I can really start to get my poker game back on track and start looking at a bigger, longer-term profit.

In my next post, I'll let you know what happened at The Empire after my routine bust-out at the £58 freezeout at The Fox.

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