Tuesday 21 December 2010

Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned

I knew I was going to find it hard to resist temptation but I have come here to confess: yesterday I sat at a $100nl cash game table and played a few orbits!! I know...I said I was going to steer clear of anything above 50nl but I just couldn't resist it. The place was there, the table looked right and I plonked myself down. Ok, I did manage to turn in about a $20 profit but I was very good about the whole thing. I played quite solid (although I missed value-towning a calling station on the flop and river in one hand) and I scarpered when a regular or two sat down at the table. Unfortunately, I got rightly punished later at a $50nl table when the $20 profit got deservedly wiped out and then some.

I went ahead with my plan to withdraw my balance  from Betfair. I did a full cashout from there and put £70 of the profit from there straight into my PKR account. With this amount ($330), I consider myself free-rolling now until the end of the year. It's a small sum but it allows me to scratch that poker playing itch when I get the urge. The bankroll management book goes out the window with this roll. I may even resist temptation, lose control again and just blow the lot on a few 100nl sessions, it's the season of goodwill after all, - but as it's not part of my proper 2011 challenge, I'll not be too downhearted if it gets wiped out.

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