Friday 10 December 2010

Stats For 2010

In a later post I'm going to put up my plan for 2011 regarding bankroll management and the stakes I'll be playing at, along with how I'll keep records for both online poker and live poker. In the meantime, I think it's about time that I put up some stats. These graphs show my entire performance at PKR for the year where I mainly played the $100nl to $200nl cash tables. There were visits to lower stakes games and the occasional trip to the $400nl game. I was predominantly single-tabling.

I generally play online poker on two computers: my PC and my laptop. To get the full picture for 2010 I've had to import hand histories from one to the other. For PKR I use software called PokerOfficer but I've also recently downloaded the trial for Holdem Manager. One "hitch" that I've encountered when importing is that the computer asks if I want to overwrite files that have the same name. (I'm assuming this is when I've played on both computers on the same day and the dates are the same.) I click "yes" and I'm not entirely sure if some hand histories are actually replaced or not.  Anyway, I'll post up what I have...

Graph 1

This is the Holdem Manager graph after a recent import from PC to laptop. Before the import it showed that I was up about $5.5K for the year but I didn't save that image. Notice that it shows I've played just under 50000 hands.

Graph 2
This is the PokerOfficer graph after I imported from the PC to the laptop about 1 or 2 months ago. Notice that on this one it says I've played 37000 hands.

Graph 3

Now this one I did about a week or so ago and it now says I've played just under 20000 hands! Obviously something was a bit messed up when I did this import.

Graph 4

This is my sharkscope graph. I'm just going to put the one graph up for "All Games" rather than break it down into SnGs and MTTs (although I've shown the breakdown at the top - cos the shark looks cool). I started the year 2010 from just after I had played about 1125 games so this shows a profit of about $3K for the year.
So based on the graphs, and providing the software is working correctly, it shows a profit of roughly about $10K for the year at PKR. This does not take into account my activity on other sites or my rakeback and bonuses or, indeed, my profit/loss at live play.

Now I could put up all the graphs for my profit/loss on other sites including both the HEM graphs at cash games and the sharkscope graphs as well. The problem is, I've played on so many other different networks but with so little volume compared to PKR that it'd be too many graphs and too much work for such small and negligible amounts.

Bear in mind that I have paid PKR over $11K in rake. That is the amount I have paid them for the privilege of playing on their site. However, they happen to be one of the most generous when it comes to bonuses and PKR points - which can be used to buy virtual tickets for more tournies. Overall they have returned around $5K to me in rakeback, bonuses and tourney tickets bought with points etc. For 2010 I have received just over $2K in rakeback and bonuses (this does not include cash won from tournies as a result of redeeming points).

In 2010, on average, I think I've gone out to play live about three or four times a month, making it about 40-50 live sessions altogether in the year. The problem here is that I've not kept any records and can only remember a few key sessions. Here are some in no particular order:

A) Card dead in my last three sessions and received a bad beat as well - DOWN £350 
B) Huge win at cash about two weeks ago at The Empire - UP £770 
C) Terrible day where nothing went right with an extra £250 from the ATM taken out - DOWN £450
D) Final tabled a couple of meaty MTTs including a £100 buy-in one at The Empire - UP £800
E) Lost quite a few MTTs - DOWN £800?
F) Some good solid cash game sessions - UP ABOUT £400?
G) Card dead, bad beat, bad play and losing coinflips over a few sessions - DOWN £500
H) Final tabled some MTTs at The Fox. - UP ABOUT £200 
I) Smooth wins, narrow losses- UP £300 , DOWN £150 , UP £100 , DOWN £100

Swings and roundabouts - you get the idea. The point is, my ego says I'm up but another part of me says I might be down but because I didn't keep accurate records I really don't know for sure. What I can say though is that whatever it is, I really don't think it can be much more or less than £500 either way.

As you can see, I'm not quite competing with the pros just yet. Maybe single-tabling is where I am going wrong but it's a fairly modest path which puts me up at about $12K for the year. You'll notice a definite  smoothing out of the curve which saw me barely break even over the last few months and then a sharp decline at the end which is why I'm really slowing down this month. In an upcoming post, I'll set out my plans for 2011 and explain how I'll keep up-to-date with my results.

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