Monday 27 December 2010

PKR Live 5 - Sunday: Side Games

With my early exit from the Terminator Tourney done and dusted, it was time to take advantage of the drinks vouchers, hit a few cash tables and have a bit of fun. Now among this company you may think that being dumped out so ignominiously in the two events with zilch to show for it plus a bit of heavy drinking on top is not the best build-up to hitting the cash game tables and you would be right - it isn't. That's why the only way to approach this stage of the weekend, for me, was with my "can't lose" system: simply put, I bring a stop-loss amount of £400 with me, leave my cash cards at home and just play for fun and excitement and see what happens. For this session, I was prepared to blur the line between business (winning some cash) on the one hand and pleasure (just donking around) on the other. As it turned out, a bit of a blur it ended up being, and I mainly just played safe and folded practically every hand!

Cash Table Number 1 Please (£1/£2)
At this table I just played about 3 orbits or so before leaving when they announced there were 3 places left for a £20 SnG. Gameplay-wise, I think I just played tight but did manage to take down a small-sized 3-way pot on the flop. The highlight though, was meeting WongaMan and finding out, once and for all, that he's NOT the fella in the advert that he keeps using in his blog. In fact, he looks absolutely nothing like him. He was a fairly quiet presence at the table but was clearly doing very nicely for himself judging by the huge stacks of chips he had in front of him.

Cash Table Number 2 Please (£1/£2)
This was both a fairly short-handed affair and a very brief one. By this stage, I had played a crazy SnG (details below) and must have knocked back a hell of a lot of beers. Fortunately, I was still sober enough to realise that the best strategy was probably just to fold everything and not get involved - which is pretty much what I did. This time, the unlucky person next to me (or lucky - depending on how you look at it) was Rhymenoceros. Also at the table, among just one or two others, was a young lady called Smoov and another young chap who calls himself kickofff. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened and I think I must have left after two or three orbits. I'm still a bit annoyed with myself that I didn't bother to get Smoov the couple of drinks she asked for though.

Cash Table Number 3 Please (£1/£2)
By this stage, the last thing I should have been doing was playing poker; particularly when the likes of welllbet, Twister86, flesicher123, GolgeJ, Walkman, PirateNation, ilcurioso and later japete and siggen333 were sitting at the table. To be honest, there is no way I would sit down at an online table with all these players at the same table so God knows why I chose to sit with them live. Well, I do know really, just for a bit of fun innit? As it was, I just fell back on Plan A and stuck with it through the session - Yep, I pretty much folded every hand!! With the exception of flesicher123 and PirateNation, the players were fairly quiet and business-like - and seemed to stay professional to the end rather than choosing to muck about. Flesicher123 and PirateNation were pretty much dominating proceedings with their own patter and having a little party of their own while chucking chips around like confetti between each other on their little side-bets. Bless 'em.

SnG (£20)
This little SnG, between cash table sessions, was a pretty wild affair but very enjoyable. Dealt by PKR_Marc, at first, we had an interesting little selection of players. The most lively by far, of course, were two very enthusiastic Greek chaps called Potatosalatas and betonme; both, pretty good players (with Patatosalatas making a final table finish in the main event). As it happened, Patatosalatas' tactic of throwing his chips around like confetti gave him a massive chip lead but then he over-reached himself and was knocked out in about 5th place. (Sounds familiar?) A very distinctive and distinguished looking gentleman called INFRASCHALL was also present but he went out early. The highlight, for me, at this table was that I finally got to say hello to a chap called jdnorway - one who writes well-thought out and considered posts on the PKR forum. Anyway, he headed for an early exit. For me, in line with how things were going, I bubbled out in 4th place and left the table with an excited Patatosalatas dealing for his fellow countryman betonme, a very pensive BUCKFASTer and a French guy whose name I can't quite remember.

Away from the tables I caught up briefly with a few regular forum contributors such as jimmyfizzels, gaztheyorkie and ForFoxSake and I also managed a cheery wave from my SnG table to Tigerrr who was on the adjoining table. One player who also came up to me and said hello was a Belgian player who goes by the username of zanzibax. I remember him crushing me at one online session. Anyway, all-told, I barely broke even from my exploits at the cash table and the SnG but, bearing in mind the session was alcohol-driven, it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

Overall, if you are a regular player at PKR then it's definitely worth trying for a place at PKR Live if only to see the faces of all those characters who are trying to win money off you week in week out. The main event is quite a tense affair with players, perhaps unsurprisingly, taking it very seriously indeed. The follow-up event on the Sunday is a much more relaxed affair and thankfully the fun element starts to kick in a little bit more - although there are still plenty who take it deadly seriously. Contrary to popular belief, the cash game tables afterward are anything but easy-money. To unwind at PKR Live, after getting knocked out, I would have to recommend a good drink and a relaxed SnG anytime.

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