Sunday 12 December 2010

My Two Worst Hands Of 2010

Worst Hand - Number 1

This is number one without fail. It came on a late Sunday evening at the end of a week off work. I remember thinking, just before it was dealt, that it had to be the last one of the day. I'd had a brutal weekend of bad beats and coolers and I had been doing a satisfactory job in repairing some of the deficit.

This one just drove me nuts and was the closest I have ever come to throwing my laptop down the stairs. My return to work the next day was NOT pleasant.

Worst Hand - Number 2

This next one came after I was getting slaughtered at the table. You may question the call on the flop (well, probably not) but after the turn I was 90% sure I was going to get a call from an all-in from my tough opponent because it blatantly looked like I was just getting annoyed and desperate. 

Once again my laptop was lucky not to be sent flying down the stairs or through the window. It was only later that I saw he was on a flush draw which makes his call on the river more understandable. I actually think that this one induced tilt and was the reason for a downslide in my game which is why it's at number two. As I say, question my flop play but this one was just horrible at the time.

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