Sunday 5 December 2010

Who am I?

This here blog of mine is all about poker and I would like to invite you to enjoy a poker journey with me as we go through the year 2011. First off, I'm NOT a professional player. I have a good, steady job in education which keeps me going financially. You'll not see me talking about huge sums of money - unless I hit something special - but I hope my enthusiasm, passion and love for the game will keep you entertained. I've been playing semi-seriously for about 7 or 8 years or so.

I play both the live game and the online game. At present I am based in London and play, with varying regularity and success, at The Empire and the newly opened Fox Poker Club in the centre of London. I also occasionally visit The Vic at Edgware Road and The International Club near Old Street. One of my main online sites of choice is PKR and my username on that site is Wobblebottom. I post fairly regularly on their forums and recently qualified for their main live event, PKR Live V, in mid November (more on that later). I've had good feedback from players regarding my posts which is what led me to start this blog.

For my upcoming posts I plan to fill you in on more details on my game in general, let you know just what sort of stakes I play at, how often and on how many tables, how I have done in 2010 and what I intend to do on this blog in 2011. Because I think honesty and transparency is the best policy, I'm going to post up my Hold'em Manager graph for the year 2010 which will show you my profit/loss at the cash games on PKR over the last 11 months. I'll also post up my sharkscope graph just for the hell of it.

I really hope I have fun doing this just as I hope you'll have fun reading. As I say, I'm not a professional player and I know some top players will have a chortle at my forthcoming graphs but in the meantime here's a picture of yours truly in a more serious mood...


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