Saturday 16 July 2011

Blog Activity Suspended

After the recent run of events at the poker tables both live and online, I have decided to suspend blog activity until I get some sort of confidence back. To get a complete lack of premium hands for hours and hours over quite a few live sessions is not that uncommon, but to then overplay the premium holdings when I do finally get them - and to lose heavily - just shows a lack of awareness and skill. Consequently, I don't really feel confident or even qualified at the moment to write about poker as if I really know that much about it.

All this, of course, points to the fact that I should just take a long break from the game and that is what I intend to do. Over the next few weeks I intend not to go near a poker table (real or virtual) and that also means steering clear of blogging for a fair amount of time as well. I might be tempted, of course, and may well have an online session or a live session before I go to Vegas in mid-August but, presently, I feel that if I do I just want to keep my results under wraps for the time being. 

As I say, as well as a two week break from poker, I also plan to shut down my operations here for two weeks (minimum) as well - just to clear my head. I am due a 6 week break from work on the 21st July and I think this will be a good time to just forget about poker for a fair stretch of time. Maybe after my two week break, it'll be time to purchase Tendler's book, The Mental Game Of Poker, to help me get firmly back on the road again and to set me up nicely for Vegas. I'm really starting to think that Vegas is my "make or break" time.

In the meantime, all the best, I'll catch up with ya come the end of the month or at the beginning of August.

Uncle Wobble.

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