Friday 15 July 2011

The Mental Game Of Poker

So I've been reading a copy of Bluff Europe recently and fell upon an article about Jared Tendler's latest tome "The Mental Game Of Poker."

Now I'll probably pick this one up for the Vegas trip but in the meantime, the extract in the magazine will have to do. Now this article included information on what Tendler termed "Mental Game Fish"  and in this article there appeared statements that summed up woolly thinking that made you a mental game fish.

There are 17 points in total but I will pick out the ones that I think I am guilty of. According to Tendler, solid players are mental game fish if they:

1.   Change a proven winning strategy because they are running hot/bad.
---  Guilty - I know I have phases where I become Mr Calling Station both because I've been running good AND because I've been running bad.

2.   Feel like a failure when they lose a hand that was played profitably.
---  Guilty - Especially when it's the latest in a long line of such hands.

3.   Think the solution to running bad is to stop playing or change stakes.
---  Guilty - The amount of full cashouts and long breaks I've done from the online game due to running bad is ridiculous.

4.   Play fewer hands when they are winning/losing.
---  Guilty - I know I often leave a table when ahead purely to bank the win and to feel happier about the session.

5.   Play badly when the stakes are too small for them to care.
---  Guilty - I often go to the micro levels to donk off and let off steam.


Learning all the time; learning all the time.

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