Sunday 10 July 2011

A Quick Post Mortem

After yesterday's £200+ donk-off debacle at The Empire, I've been going through a bit of a post mortem with myself and trying to figure out why I played so badly. I think I've pinpointed a combination of three reasons:

1)  Although Friday was a winning session, uppermost in my mind was the long period of being card-dead for that 5 hours. I think I just subconsciously "expected" to hit some hands today because of the "I'm due a win" syndrome which is why I think I ended up being such a calling station.

2)  I definitely under-estimated my opponents and think I felt that I could outplay them but by ending up just succumbing to the weak/tight/passive mode, I just ended up handing money to them on a plate!

3)  The table was actually fairly tough and there were no real soft-spots. After being about £70-£100 down after an hour or so, I think I should have either just left or gone for a table transfer.
In retrospect, I think I should have been happy with my £190 win on Friday and just not played yesterday - but a gambler is always wise after the event.

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