Sunday 24 July 2011

Live Session #46: And It Gets Worse...

Ok, it was going to be a two week break from the poker and the blog as well but it ended up being a one week break instead; you know how it is. I'm just gonna blog about my live session for the record...

I turned up for the £58 freezeout at The Fox today and was going great guns and playing an absolute blinder up to the final two tables but bust out while going all-in preflop with QQ v AK while on the button. Yep, the villain hit a King on the flop and a couple of aces on the later streets for a full-house just for good measure - and there it is; or, rather, there it was. Goodbye Wobble and thank you very much!

After some bean curd and crispy pork on rice in Chinatown, it was onto the Golden Nugget for some £1/£1 cash game action. I plop down £150, don't play that well, but win a few hands early on and start to trundle along quite nicely. About one hour in I look down at Q 7 and then see a lovely 5 7 7 hit the flop. The action is loose and I just know I'm going to get paid. I play the hand perfectly - the pot is built nicely as expected - but waddya know? My dodgy opponent hits a runner runner flush! That's a runner runner flush which I just have to pay off on the river with a fairly expensive crying call for £50. He had me covered and it's goodbye to another £150 and £210 on the night! I don't think I can take many more of these disappointments, I really don't.

This latest loss, of course, looks bad for my results but I was mostly annoyed, really, with how I responded. On seeing my villain turn over his queen and five of spades I just spun my cards face down towards the dealer, sighed a great big "tssssssss" and just stormed out. No "nice hand" or anything like that. I was so angry that I actually envisaged striking a small child in anger as I passed her on the street as I went to catch my bus!! It's frightening what thoughts this game can make you have.


All this, of course, means that I am not only having a terrible month at the felt but am once again thoroughly and well and truly pissed off with the game of poker right now. My whole situation is crying out for me to really take a proper break but most importantly to get hold of a copy of Jared Tendler's "The Mental Game Of Poker" as soon as freakin' possible! Methinks a trip to The High Stakes Bookshop on Great Ormond Street is in order, very soon.

Well, that's that then. With the way that I feel right now, I detest the game so much that the next time I want to see a poker table is when I'm out in Vegas in over three weeks time. I reckon, until then, it'll just have to be a case of chillin', watching loads of films that I've been meaning to see, playing loads of computer games I've been meaning to play and going out for some drinking and for some retail therapy. (I really need some decent trainers and a good sweater for when the casinos get cold in Vegas.)

Actually, talking of retail therapy, I recently bought one of these...

...and have been spending most of my time importing over 200 of my albums from CD onto it. (This takes days and days by the way.) It's called an iPod Classic (160gb) and with me being something of an old fossil, it's the very first iTunes / Apple thingy that I've bought - and I LOVE it! Back of the net baby!


Oh well - Onwards and Upwards and all that bollocks!

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