Thursday 14 July 2011


With online poker taking a solid back-seat, for the time being, it may become a little hard to maintain this blog on a regular daily basis. However, I would still like to twaddle on as normal so I'm just going to write about what's occuring in my life at the moment:

1.  On a professional level, there is pretty much only the one main thing on my mind at the moment and that is: HOLIDAY TIME!! At just 6 weeks long, the UK may have the shortest summer holiday for its schools throughout Europe (and probably one of the shortest throughout the world) but by crikey they are well worth the wait!! UK state schools are STILL slogging on but come 21st July the school where I work at will have finally reached the finishing line. HURRAH!!

2.  On the online poker front, as regular readers will know, a stop has been called once again to my online operations. Whether it's because I've just fallen behind with improving or my opponents are getting better, or plain old fashioned variance, I just can't seem to crack the online game. It may even be that something psychologically is preventing me from moving forward; I just don't know but whatever it is, I'm going to take yet another break. (I am currently considering the possibility of embarking on a serious multi-table campaign in September when the daughters have finally packed up and gone off to university.)

3.  Apart from a few hiccups (including a £220 loss from my last session and a few other drunken sessions costing me around £500) live poker has been going fairly well overall this year. I shall certainly be playing at some point over the next few days and/or over the weekend but I'm thinking of dropping down to £1/£1 for a while just to make sure that the variance isn't too painful if it goes the wrong way.

4.  Last but not least, Vegas! My first trip to Vegas kicks off on the 17th August and, of course, I am thoroughly looking forward to it. It's fairly well-mapped out in my head but I still have to think about a few practicalities such as how to carry my cash and belongings around, how to maintain the blog, how to record trip reports and poker room reviews etc etc.


Nevertheless, when all is said and done, things are definitely hunky-dory at the moment: there are now just five more get-ups needed for work with next week being the winding-down / no one does any real work week; the sun is smiling which is a good thing; I have a clear, work-free, 3-week stretch to enjoy before Vegas and I currently feel I can build positively on my live poker results as worrying about getting up for work the next day drops completely out of the equation. 

Chug! Chug!! Chug!!!  

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