Sunday 3 July 2011

Dodgy Dealers

Most of the dealers in London are fine but when you've been playing live for a fair few years, certain things about certain dealers can start to get annoying. Bad dealers:

1.   Are easily distracted, don't follow the action and slow the game down.
2.   Are impatient or contemptuous towards both regular and inexperienced players.
3.   Don't say "thank you" or seem unappreciative when tipped.
4.   Outwardly show favouritism towards certain players.
5.   Show emotions about the play (eg, laugh or smile at play they perceive as weak).
6.   Muck cards face down when a player has shown them to the player(s) next to them.
7.   Talk too much and are slow with the cards.
8.   Openly encourage players to straddle.
9.   Don't enforce certain rules like the "no talking about the hand when not in it" rule.
10. Are bad tempered, irritable and evidently don't want to be there.  

Good dealers:

1.   Are fast with the cards and get many hands in per hour.
2.   Are super sharp, focused and follow the action with precision and efficiency.
3.   Don't make aggressive sounds like thumping the table or thudding chips down loudly.
4.   Always thank players who tip them.
5.   Smile occasionally and are friendly to all players.
6.   Explain things clearly and patiently to beginners in a non-aggressive manner.
7.   Warn players firmly but fairly if they're out of line.
8.   Are super efficient with chip-handling, chip-counting and making calculations.
9.   Have an air of authority but don't dominate or become the constant centre of attention.
10. Are neutral and go about their business in a calm, efficient and friendly manner.


That's it.

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