Monday 25 July 2011

More Retail Therapy

It's Monday morning and, more or less, the first day of my 6 week break from work! Hurrah!! With poker playing taking another firm back seat, and with the sun shining brightly in the sky, I'm off into town for more retail therapy. Here are some items that I have bought very recently:

This is an iPod Classic (160gb) that stores a veritable mountain of tunes. I've already transferred my entire album collection onto iTunes and am very pleased with this acquisition.

These are a pair of Sennheiser CX880i headphones. The headphones that Apple supply you with, when you buy your iPod, are notoriously awful so I felt I needed to get some decent cans so I could listen to the music with decent sound. The actual earpiece gets some getting used to but the sound is sharp and clear enough.

This is an Olympus VN8700PC Digital Voice Recorder that I intend to take to Vegas to record all my observations. It has 5 folders so that I can categorise my recordings (one for trip reports, one for poker room reviews, one for miscellaneous stuff etc). Once I've recorded my twaddle, I can then listen back and write the details up and then blogalise my comments when need be.

Today, I'll be buying more items to set myself up for both Vegas and the coming weeks. The main items I need are as follows:

This is the front cover of Jared Tendler's latest book, "The Mental Game of Poker" and has received nothing but rave reviews. On, all the 14 customers who have reviewed the book have given it 5 stars! The High Stakes bookshop on Great Ormond Street is being refurbished so I'll see if I can pick this up at one of the major bookshops in town today.

This is a running shoe or a trainer (sneaker if you are one of my US readers) and I intend to get a pair of these today (not necessarily the one pictured). The missus has been going on and on about me getting a pair of these so that I can start my fitness regime so this item is on the list.

Finally, I need to pick up a few synth-pop sounds from the 80s and 90s (with a bit of Abba thrown in) and these compilations are the gaps in my collection that need to be filled. Abba, of course, are the group who have sold a bazillion records but who no one is supposed to like; The Beautiful South is solidly good synth-pop for the middle-classes but very pleasant; The Depeche Mode album "The Singles 86-98" will go nicely with "The Singles 81-85" which I already have and Erasure banged out singles of the highest order back in the day and are synth-pop gods. 

So there it is. I know, wobbling on about all the things that you've bought and are gonna buy is a bit dodgy, but I've just completed a very stressful academic year and haven't really treated myself to anything throughout the whole time. These are my rewards and I just felt like blogalising about it for the sheer hell of it. So there.  


  1. Going by those music choices you should probably buy some Communards/Jimmy Somerville as well.

  2. Big "LOL" on that one Rhyme. Cheeky but chuckleworthy for sure.
