Tuesday 26 July 2011


After my worst month at the live game arena this year, and hating poker with a passion right now, I have decided to draw a line under my poker playing exploits for the month and intend NOT to play again until August. I know it's a little early, but as such I'm just going to go right on ahead and throw up my July update. Updates will now be in the form of what you see below as this format gives a clear picture of how things have been going on a monthly basis and shows, at a glance, how I'm progressing through the year.


January----------   + £960   ----------------   - £520   -----------   + £440   --------- + £440
February---------  + £740   ----------------   + £60    -----------   + £800   --------- + £1240
March------------   - £230   -----------------   + £810  -----------  + £580   ---------- + £1820
April---------------  + £70   ------------------   - £700   -----------   - £630   ---------- + £1190
May--------------   + £370   -----------------   - £90   ------------   + £280   --------- + £1470
June-------------   + £340   ------------------  + £440   ----------   + £780   ---------- + £2250
July----------------  -£415  --------------------    000  ---------------   -£415  ------------ + £1840


Obviously, any losing month is a disappointment but after being up £2.7K for the year by the 9th July, things were looking extremely hunky-dory indeed. It really would have been a great boost to be going great guns while leading up to my trip to Vegas. Unfortunately, as we all know, poker has a cruel habit of giving us a good old punch in the face every so often - and for me - that came in the form of being hit for nearly £1K over the last two weeks or so!

My crack at the online game this month was very short-lived and wasn't that great either. I stormed and swept through the game in the first week of the month like a blazing forest fire, taking down £200 in the first five days, only for the fire to be snuffed out over the next few days - which quickly saw me squelched to break-even by ten days in and yet another full cash-out and retreat from PKR.

Still, as mentioned in previous posts, I've been enjoying the fruits of my labour after a very busy, hectic and stressful academic year in the workplace. I've now bought a much needed protective case for my iPod classic and I also bought a couple of pairs of trainers (including running trainers) for my fitness regime which I plan to start any day soon. As far as getting a copy of Tendler's Mental Game of Poker is concerned, well I think this will prove nigh on impossible to do over-the-counter in the UK (unless you wait for the High Stakes Bookshop on Great Ormond Street to open after August). I have therefore, finally ordered a copy from Amazon over the internet - with a quick delivery option ticked so as to get my copy of the book before Vegas.
Well, that's it. I'd like to say that I intend to take a break from the blog until August but we all know I'll get the urge to blogulate some ol' twaddle before then.

So until next time... May the force of the twaddle be with you... Always.

Uncle Wobble.

P.S. - £40 deposit made into PKR for shits and giggles.

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