Saturday 9 July 2011

Live Session #44: What A Load Of Rubbish

After a good session at The Empire yesterday, I guess it just stands to reason that today's session was going to be a disaster. Well, it wasn't quite a disaster but I spewed bad; real bad. I arrived at 6PM and took a seat with the maximum £400. The table seemed average with a few solid players thrown in and, apart from a very loose young Irish player who practically raised from any position preflop about 60% of the time, no one was getting tricky or out of line. Unfortunately, I was just not on my game tonight and after starting off in tight passive mode, I just never really managed to change gear for the entire three hours I was there and just ended up being Mr Calling Station - not good, not good at all.

With my stack just dwindling £10 here, £20 there and then another £30 here, and with absolutely zero success rate in hitting anything on the board, I just decided to knock the session on the head after I spewed about £40 while holding 10 10 versus the villain's KK on a 4 4 7 4 A board. With just £180 left in my stack and, thus, £220 down on the day I left just not really understanding why the hell I played this session SO BADLY. Oh well, methinks a week off from the game is in order...

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