Sunday 3 July 2011

Online Campaign For July

Ok, so on this fine Sunday afternoon I have deposited £510 into my PKR account with the view to playing anything from 50nl cash game poker up to 200nl. In fact, I've already had a little dabble today and even though I managed to win $50, in real terms I've won absolutely nothing because I would still only get £510 back, due to the exchange rate rip-off, were I to make a withdrawal right now :-( So, I'm just going to allow myself the privilege of calling my deposit a round £500 for the sake of convenience - which means I will count myself as being £10 up thus far (even though I've actually "won" £30), so there.

Still, with the 3rd July upon us, our online July campaign is under way. As usual, I will keep you updated of my progress on a regular basis and just hope we can have a winning month online so that some of the cobwebs can be dusted away and so that things can really brighten up.
Bring it on and let's go!

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