Wednesday 27 July 2011

JULY - UPDATE #7 (Part 3)

Ok, so I carried on a bit today at the online game and ended up dropping £60 thanks, in part, to this final hand where my villain hit his 4-outer on the river:

So far so good...

...And there it is. I know, this was only for $34 but scooping up $72 would have kept me fighting. Anyway, I cashed out £140 and pocketed a £100 online profit this month - which is better than nothing I suppose.This leaves my updated chart looking like this:


January----------   + £960   ----------------   - £520   -----------   + £440   --------- + £440
February---------  + £740   ----------------   + £60    -----------   + £800   --------- + £1240
March------------   - £230   -----------------   + £810  -----------  + £580   ---------- + £1820
April---------------  + £70   ------------------   - £700   -----------   - £630   ---------- + £1190
May--------------   + £370   -----------------   - £90   ------------   + £280   --------- + £1470
June-------------   + £340   ------------------  + £440   ----------   + £780   ---------- + £2250
July----------------  -£415  --------------------   +£100  -------------   -£315  ------------ + £1935

I know, it's not the nice round £2K that I wanted to take into August but it'll have to do.

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