Friday 5 August 2011

And The Heat Goes On

With plenty of help from Dusty and Jared my online game continues to pick up pace. In fact, I'm practically on fire baby! It may only be 875 hands but it does feel good to get the month off to a flying start. As I wrote before, I'm only mainly playing 25nl-100nl but this is because of the need to be a bit conservative with my bankroll before Vegas. Here's a breakdown of the amount of hands I've played at each limit and the profit/loss for each:

4nl     = 5 hands       (-$1.49)
10nl   = 1 hand         (-$0.15)
25nl   = 191 hands   (-$37.14)
50nl   = 309 hands   (+$121.32)
100nl = 369 hands   (+$359.11)

And here's my chart:

With a boost of a rakeback payment of around $45 it's all good on the results front. Mental game issues are completely non-existent as I feel I'm playing A-game poker everytime I fire up PKR and, as variance has been kind, tilt is just not part of the equation. I have to say, re-reading Dusty Schmidt's latest, and applying some of the principles outlined there, has really helped.

This evening it'll probably be a visit to the Gala Casino along Westover Road in sunny Bournemouth for a live session. MTT or cash game I wonder.

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