Monday 1 August 2011

Live Session #47: Back of the Net (Part 1)

Finally, I've managed to book a live winning session - back of the net boys! It all started when I hit the town yesterday to pick up the final item for Vegas. A pair of shorts:

Do you like 'em? Well, to be honest, the pair I got are Levi's, are slightly paler and a bit classier but pretty much the same style. I just can't get a picture of them from the internet so these will have to do. Anyway, I bought these for £36 from Debenhams along Oxford Street. Yeh, that's right, I said "Debenhams" you wanna make something of it or what? Then proceeded to make my way to The Fox, via a pint at the pub, at about 3PM for a few orbits before meeting up with my editor Nobby McNob...

So I collect £200 in chips from the cage and settle myself in at the table but tell everyone that I'm only there for a few orbits as I have to meet my editor at 4PM. I tell myself to just play tight and after just 3 or 4 hands in, look down at QQ while in the small blind. It's folded to Mr. Mid-Position who makes it £6 and this is called by Mr. Cut-Off. I rasiy-daisy it up to £26 and get the call from Mr Mid-Position and the fold from Mr Cut-Off. The flop comes 10h 8h 2s and I decide to commit myself to the hand. I count out my chips and pot-it with a £60 bet. The villain then waits a little while before announcing all-in. I'm commited to the pot so I pretty much snap call and he has me covered meaning there is now over £400 in the pot..

He flips over AK and I'm feeling ok but on closer inspection notice they are both hearts. As the dealer starts to sort out the money, the table has a discussion about who is favourite (there are familiar faces and good players at the table by the way). I put him on 15 outs (three aces, three kings and the nine hearts) which makes him about a 60/40 favourite but on reflection this is wrong. (His outs are two aces, two kings and the nine hearts which makes 13 outs and a marginal 52/48 favourite. Sod it, lets see what Poker Stove says:

So there it is, pretty close to say the least but I'm still the underdog (if only slightly). It's gonna be a sweat but with help from Tendler's book, I'm prepared either way. I obviously don't want to see an ace, king or a heart - and the dealer duly lays down a low black card on the turn, and I'm also happy to see a black nine hit the river which means I'm happy to scoop up a pot in excess of £400 and net a profit of just over £200 for the hand. Luckily for me, I then go on a bit of heater and hit a set of twos on the turn in a multi-way pot and then make a straight on the river to beat two pair held by the same AK villain as before. With the time at about 3:50PM, I take my leave of the table along with £435 in chips and a tidy £235 profit for the 50 minute session.

I tell myself that I should bank the win and not play any more poker for the day but do end up back in The Fox later when I meet up with my editor for beers - but that'll be for Part 2.

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