Saturday 6 August 2011

Wobble Gets A Smack

I tell ya, I've had a terrible day at the tables and I'm injured folks, injured. It all started with my first session of the day when my flopped set gets involved with a villain holding a flush draw. You can guess what happened but I'll show the action anyway:

And Induce...
...And fail. Actually, on close inspection, it WAS a royal flush draw so he did have plenty of outs and probably played the hand right. Lets just check the odds with Poker Stove (It might make me feel better):

Here's the flop stats:
And the turn:

This really doesn't make it so bad cos when the money goes in, I'm only a marginal favourite. The fact that I'm a much bigger favourite on the river is irrelevant really as it's out of our hands when the actual money goes in (on the flop) and that's the point where the big decisions were made.
Now I feel a bit ashamed to say this but I think I let Jared down a bit after this when my following sessions proceeded to be a bit tilty where I played more of a B/C-game rather than my A-game and I threw away another $100 in the process - ouch. This made my graph (for August) look like this:

Now, of course, I need to do a post-mortem on why I allowed myself to donk off another $100 but in the meantime let's end on a positive. Here is a sixth street screenshot of the hand which you can see at the end of the graph where I get quad nines, a payoff and a much needed lift:

Better - but a lesson in why you should always top-up your buy-in :-(

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