Monday 1 August 2011

Live Session #47: Back of The Net (Part 2)

With the long-awaited win in the bag and with plenty of people out and about having fun in the sun and also jollied-up by my cash game result I meet up with my editor, Nobby McNob, at a pub right near The Empire at Leicester Square. We chat away heartily about the issues and then he goes and decides that he wants to head on over to The Fox. I'm not particularly enamoured with the idea but acquiesce for convenience sake. For him it's a place he doesn't go to often but, for me, I've just come from there and know that I'll be open to temptation. We chat away a bit more and then I decide I may as well have a crack at the 7PM, £43 ante-up freezeout while I'm there. I try to persuade Nobby to have a punt but he's having none of it.

Nobby rails a few hands and then he's off, leaving me to sit through three hours of being dealt the worst cards imaginable and nothing (and I mean absolutely NOTHING) to work with whatsoever. I'm talking a complete crock of shit here: a lack of pocket pairs; no serious connectors; no high cards together above ten and with any ace I do get coming with rags everytime! It's not good but I do think of the good fortune I had earlier so it doesn't make me too downhearted. With my stack just crumbling before me, and with the time at around 10:30PM, I go all in with something like 5 6 only to walk into 2 players who have me easily crushed. The flop consist of overcards and I'm heading for the door.

Still, it was a good craic even though I did go into my buying people drinks and overtipping the waitress routine. I just kept myself entertained by chatting away pretty much endlessly to the players around me - I really think I drove them mad - even the dealers were getting sick of it I think. At one point I asked one of the dealers, who seemed really pissed off by my twaddle, what he would do if I told him to shove the cards up his arse; he almost asked me to step outside!!

Anyway that was that then. With the entry fee to that taken off my winnings of earlier, I'm up around £195 on the night. I decide to stop at my usual for my bean curd and crispy pork on rice - and then decide it might be a good idea to go to The Empire!! This decision, fuelled by alcohol no doubt, is probably NOT a good idea because as well as having consumed a large quantity of alcohol I'm feeling pretty tired as well. The fact that I put my name down and get impatient waiting for a table for well over half-an-hour is probably a blessing in disguise and I decide to leave, without playing, with the time at around 11:30PM.

I get on the bus and then get off the bus again at Trafalgar Square after realising that I left my bag at The Empire cloakroom with my new shorts and my book "The Mental Game of Poker." It's fine, I splash a bit of water all over me from the fountain at Trafalgar Square, pick up my bag from The Empire cloakroom and get on the bus for a second time. The bus journeys home after these long poker sessions are now much less painful thanks to my lovely iPod classic.

Ok, so with that live session taking place in July, I'm actually going to take the liberty of incuding that as part of my July update. Therefore, in my next post, I'll be making a final update to that July update - and anyone who thinks it's because it puts my yearly profits at over £2K rather than have it standing under £2k is very much mistaken and shouldn't be so cynical.  

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