Saturday 6 August 2011

Live Session #48: A Damp Squib

Yesterday, I decided to head into Bournemouth town centre to try my hand at the Gala Casino's £45 freezeout - and what a huge let-down it turned out out be! First off, I was a bit tilted before I even got there. Picture the scene... It's Friday night, you go into a pub and wait at the bar with no one else waiting and you think you've made eye-contact with the barman who is currently dealing with a fiddly order from a customer. You're waiting there for 5 minutes with NO OTHER customer in sight but it's bleedin' obvious that you are next in line. As the bartender finishes the fiddly order that seems to be taking an age, a couple of customers walk in and take their place behind the bar - and THEN... (you've guessed it) the barman goes to serve the customers who have just walked in and have been there for just a few seconds!!

What annoys me even more about this is when it doesn't even occur to the customer being served to say something like, "Oh, this gentleman was before me" or anything like that. Now, 9 times out of 10, I would stand my ground and say something but, you know what? I just couldn't be bothered and decided to go for the walk-out option instead. But as I walked on to a different pub, I did start to feel that it was a bit weak to let it pass and the fact that I didn't object actually annoyed me even more.

Anyway, I then went on to another pub and another little thing annoyed me. As I exited the establishment, quite a few other customers were leaving as well. There were a couple of security guards at the door and they said "goodnight" to the people in front; I exited next, not a word; then the people behind me exited and it was, "Goodnight, have a nice evening." Er... Am I some sort of leper or what?

Anyway, feeling a bit tilted by being totally ignored by the people of Bournemouth, I then entered the Gala Casino's £45 freezeout - and this turned out to be a pretty bleak experience as well! With about 35 runners, it soon became obvious to me, almost immediately, that this tourney was more or less a home game. Everyone knew everybody else on a first name basis and the vibe I got from the table was a resentful, "Who the hell does this geezer think he is who's come to play in our game!?" Really, if you're ok feeling like a stranger at a home game, where no one really wants you there, then you'd be fine. 

Here's a little picture to let you know what it was like... First off, no one really made any sort of effort to make me welcome or strike up any sort of conversation with me. Any comment I made or any casual remark I made went down like a lead ballooon. I tried to strike up a conversation with the fella on my right but all I got back was the folding of the arms and a pretty cold response. I then tried to make light of a situation with an old fella to my left but he also made no effort to be friendly at all. So there it was - and there it can bloody well stay for all I care. I have never been so indifferent about busting out of a tournament in my life and I certainly won't be rushing back to play their MTTs any time soon. Also, since when is it ok to shout out, for everyone in the casino to hear, "Send the next victim in please" as a player is busted? Which is what I got when I bust out to someone's AK v. my 99. Nice etiquette fellas.

As a result of all of this, I decided to pass on the cash games (which were all 50p/50p) and made my way home. Unfortunately, my grievance about my evening doesn't stop there. It was about 11PM and as three full buses drove past the bus stop I thought I'd walk the 3 mile journey home. After about 10 minutes, I saw a bus behind me that stopped at the lights and so I ran to the next stop making it pretty damn obvious that I intended to get on at the next stop. The bus passed me, stopped at the bus stop to let people off, but it did need about a ten second wait on the part of the bus driver for me to catch up. You've guessed it... He pulls off and away into the night leaving me to walk the rest of the journey.

But no, there's more... As I continue my walk I see a bus behind me and decide to get on for the last mile of my journey. Now I'm a fairly tolerant person but what is it about parents who totally ignore the unruly and obnoxious behaviour of their kids on public transport!? For god's sake, what is wrong with making an effort to interact with your own children so that everyone else can enjoy a stress-free and relaxing journey for chrissake!?

Ok, so the post just turned into an angry old man rant but it really wasn't one of my most enjoyable evenings and it's nice to get these things off one's chest.

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