Monday 8 August 2011

Clearing A Reload Bonus

As my extended stay in the sleepy seaside town of Bournemouth continues I have to report that I have pretty much played wall to wall online poker over the last couple of days. My excuse for not going out has been the terrible weather but, with about 12 hours played each day of fairly tight ABC poker at mainly the 50nl cash games, I've managed to clear the last 20% of my PKR reload bonus and yesterday evening received this message:

Now it's always a nice feeling, to clear a reload bonus, but I wish they'd fix the fact that they always seem to shift the decimal point two places to the left when they show the amount awarded! The amount should, of course, read $94.

Anyway, on the subject of reload bonuses, my advice to anyone is to ALWAYS take advantage of a reload bonus. If you use common sense and don't get greedy or over-reach yourself when depositing, this really is a case of taking the free money. Yes, you have to rake a certain amount but if you're just playing your normal game anyway, it's nice to receive that little boost to your balance.
In my case, two days ago, I cashed-out my initial deposit of £200 that I placed into PKR at the start of the month, and decided that, with my remaining $250 or so I would just play very tight, break-even, ABC poker in an attempt to clear the last 20% of my reload bonus and grab that extra $94. In the chart below, the wriggly line between the green blobs represents my progress during this process:

As you can see, I scooped a few juicy pots at the tail end of my effort to claw back to almost break-even over the two days but, with $94 received as a reward, I guess you can call it "mission accomplished." My only real regret is that, along the way, I think I must have blown about $30 at the demon game that is blackjack.

Anywhodeedoody, Monday morning has arrived, it's the third week of my summer hols and the time is 11AM on a fairly breezy and mild day. This leaves me now with three nice decisions:

1)  Shall I just cash-out my net profit for the month and be happy with my online winnings?
2)  Shall I sit on my enormous fat arse and play more online poker?
3)  Shall I get out the bloody house and enjoy the delights that Bournemouth has to offer?
Well, ya know what? I think Issue 72 of the the WPT poker mag is out so I think I'm gonna just take myself off for a walk into Bournemouth Square and pick myself up a copy. Then I'm gonna just lounge around some of the pubs of Bournemouth with the other tourists, sink a few cool and sparkling beers and read all about poker! I LOVE my summer hols boys and girls!!

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