Sunday 14 August 2011

Countdown To Vegas...3 Days To Go

It's now Sunday afternoon and I'm back in good ol' London town after a 12 day stay in sunny Bournemouth. True to my word, I've abstained from sitting at the felt (real or virtual) since Wednesday night but am really starting to get withdrawal symptoms and I'm finding it very hard not to throw a little bit into my PKR account - but I must be strong. (Well I do still have a Phase 3 ticket I can use.)

We're now just three days away until lift-off and I guess you could say I'm very much looking forward to my first trip to the bright lights of Sin City. I've actually been writing a few posts on what I intend to do - and what not to do - while out there but when I read them back, the Twaddle-Factor is so high that I don't think they're even worthy to post. I just need to get out there and get stuck in. This here Elvis song kinda sums it up:

A Little Less Twaddle Let's Get The Satisfaction

Dig those instrumentals baby! Oh Yeah!!


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