Friday 5 August 2011

A "Thank You" From Jared Tendler!

For my sins, and for a few months now, I have gone back to posting on the PKR forums. Now I know this goes against my intention (in April) to stop posting on that site but I just couldn't resist it. Now a lot of my posts are tumbleweed affairs, mainly because I ramble on so much (that'll be the teacher in me) but also because I often write serious posts and the PKR forum just doesn't tend to be a serious forum.

Recently, I made a post initially asking for opinions on Tendler's latest book, "The Mental Game Of Poker." I left it 24 hours and in that time received just two genuine responses. Apart from a chap called MrStarch (a well-respected strong cash game player and writer) and the fine PKRDanski, no one really responded constructively to my initial request.

Later, after I posted links to my review, I did get an opinion of the book - from James666, one of the PKR pros. I also got fair responses from Deliiight (a very good MTT player) and Destacker (an excellent and very well-respected MTT player) but, apart from that one response from James666, zero opinions. Don't get me wrong, there are still fun discussions and banter on the forums to be had but when it comes to serious discussion, it just doesn't seem to be one of its strong points.

By contrast you have the 2+2 forums - and this brings me to my point. It's nice to get a bit of recognition or any sort of feedback after spending a bit of time writing reviews but when you get a "thank you" from the author for writing such a "thoughtful" review... well that just makes it all worthwhile. Thanks for the "thank you" Jared :-)

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