Monday 15 August 2011

Countdown To Vegas... 2 Days To Go

It's now Monday afternoon and with just 2 days to go now until lift-off, I've just been making sure that all necessary chores have been done. Earlier today I had myself a nice haircut (a number five with a trim on top), bought myself a nice new sweater and exchanged a few ££s for $$s. Live poker was certainly calling as I strolled the streets of the west-end but I managed to resist the temptation to play and headed straight home.

With mid-August upon us I have to say I have played very little poker overall this month, consisting of just 2300 hands of mainly nl50-nl100 online cash games and just a couple of live sessions (one £45 freezeout and a 5 hour session of 50p/50p at the Gala Casino in Bournemouth). As I really don't envisage playing anymore poker before lift-off let's just take a look at the old scoreboard:


January----------   + £960   ----------------   - £520   -----------   + £440   --------- + £440
February---------  + £740   ----------------   + £60    -----------   + £800   --------- + £1240
March------------   - £230   -----------------   + £810  -----------  + £580   ---------- + £1820
April---------------  + £70   ------------------   - £700   -----------   - £630   ---------- + £1190
May--------------   + £370   -----------------   - £90   ------------   + £280   --------- + £1470
June-------------   + £340   ------------------  + £440   ----------   + £780   ---------- + £2250
July----------------  -£220  --------------------   +£100  -------------   -£120  ------------ + £2130
August (1st Half)-- -£15  -------------------  +£240  -------------  +£225  ------------ +£2355
Psychologically speaking, the last figure on the chart really does give me the lift I need as just over a few weeks ago I was destined to take a balance of under £2K with me to Vegas. Just the fact that I'm above £2K for the year gives me that extra confidence boost I need as I fly out to the city of dreams.

In my next post I'll be laying out the ground-rules of my trip, how I intend to go about my business and what things I'll make sure to avoid.

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