Tuesday 16 August 2011

Countdown To Vegas... 1 Day To Go

In the words of the first line of Peter, Paul & Mary's classic song, Leaving On A Jet Plane, "my bags are packed and I'm ready to go" but unlike the last words of that song there aint no hate about getting away folks! I need this holiday like the Yin needs the Yang and the Yang needs the Yin, I'm telling ya now, but let's just lay down a few ground rules so I don't go and get carried away:

1.   Apart from Day 1, I'll try to keep to my four casinos per day schedule in the first six days.
2.   7PM-7AM will be the time to play poker. I'll try to avoid playing outside of these times.
3.   I'll allow myself a couple of heavy drinking sessions - but take just $150 out with me and no more.
4.   Blackjack - There'll be a $200 stop-loss limit on this for the 11 days. (Who knows? I may even win.)
5.   Roulette, craps or any other casino game besides poker and blackjack will be a no-go area.
6.   Slots!? These don't interest me in the slightest and I won't be touching these with a barge-pole.
7.   There'll be no plan to take in any shows - unless I get a sudden overwhelming urge.
8.   Fine dining will not be my thing. It'll be all-you-can-eat-buffets, cheap restaurants and Subway for me.
9.   Loose women and hookers are off the menu.
10. Writing up of room reviews, trip reports etc will be done in the afternoons after my sleep.

--And those are the rules.

Needless to say, apart from going out while a bit tipsy, I'll only be attempting to bring my A-game to the table so it'll be a case of making sure my head is screwed on right after any losing sessions - this will be absolutely essential. Also, on the first night, I may just allow myself a little cheap cash game play at Bill's just as a warm up. (I believe the min buy-in there is $20!!)

So now, it's just a case of getting a good night's sleep before I'm off to the airport tomorrow morning for my 11AM flight. Hopefully, I can find a reasonable internet place, while in Vegas, to keep the blog up-to-date and to let y'all know how I'm getting on.

Here's to an enjoyable and, hopefully, profitable trip!!


  1. Enjoy mate! Look forward to the reports.

  2. GL in vegas dude hope it goes well, look forward to the reports!
