Thursday 21 April 2011

2 New Poker Sites

Following on from my last post, I've taken the plunge and deposited about £2000 across three poker sites altogether. My intention is not to deposit or withdraw anymore and for this to be my new starting bankroll for the rest of the year. As you know, I've felt that I've been stuck in a rut recently and as such I've changed direction a little bit. One change was to stop my attachment to the PKR forums, break away from PKR a bit and deposit on other sites. The second major change is to move away from cash games and to focus more on MTTs, including satellites.

My balance now reads like this:

888Poker (Pacific) = $1300
Paddy Power = $1350
PKR  = $850

Unfortunately, I didn't deposit on Party Poker because I'm currently having an easter break away from home and, although I have my trusted laptop, I forgot my Party Poker password!! Still, yesterday evening I played a $22 MTT on 888Poker just to get used to the software and I was really pleasantly surprised with how well they've developed their software since last time I was on there - it really was quite a pleasure to play on. Not least because of the relatively faster speed of the tables compared to PKR. This was my first non-PKR online poker experience of the year and I'm pleased to say I managed a final table finish and grabbed 7th place out of 112 runners for a $112 payout. Here is a screenshot of my final table appearance with the mighty 23o:

I can't believe I was up till 4:30AM playing this! Anyway it was a good structure really (3000chips and 15min levels - but lots of hands due to the faster speed.) Notice the lights around the edges; these come on with a little fanfare as you hit the final table in an MTT - a nice touch. Anyway, positive, positive, positive.

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