Sunday 24 April 2011

Have Passport; Will Travel - To The Empire

While I was enjoying the delights of sunny Bournemouth, the New Forest and its surrounding area, my new passport arrived through the post at my home in London. Consequently, I thought I'd take it into town today and finally register for a proper membership at The Empire Casino. This way, if by some miracle I do bink their badbeat jackpot, they'll be no problems with them paying up.

Now I don't normally do The Empire on Sunday cos it just tends to have mainly good players on this day but, you know what? Sod it, I'm going to give it a go anyway and just hope I don't regret it. It's just gone 5 o'clock in the afternoon on Easter Sunday and I've just had a refreshing shower - and this really is the last time I'll be able to do a live session before work kicks in again come Tuesday. (Thank God for bank holidays eh?) I'll be taking £300 with me; that's the £200 in chips plus an extra £100 in cash.

I'll do a trip report either later today or tomorrow and let y'all know how get on. A win of £150 will get me to break-even point at the cash games but that's not really what I should be thinking about. I just need to make sure I play my A game all the way.


        NOW LET'S DO THIS!!

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