Monday 25 April 2011

Live Session #20: A Visit To The Vic

Ok, my intention today was to play in the special £150+£10 freezeout at The Fox but after getting the bus down there and then being told that it was being held on the May Day bank holiday next week, I realised my mistake. Still, it gave me time to pop into a pub and finish marking all the Year 11 exam papers - done!

Next stop was The Empire but again, nothing doing. Just two very quiet and serious tables plus a few familiar faces and lots of big stacks - that was enough to tell me that this was not the day to be playing at The Empire. I checked back at The Fox and there were no cash game tables happening whatsoever. No worries, another visit to a quiet pub followed and, as it was such a gloriously sunny day, I made the decision to walk to Edgware Road and visit The Vic for my first visit to the place this year.

After just sitting down, looking the place over and realising that it hadn't changed a bit I put my name down for the £1/£1 or the £1/£2 cash games. As it happened, a place was available at the £1/£1 game soon after at about 5PM. Now the great thing about playing the mad games at The Empire and seeing all those wild £18 pre-flop raises and the calling of a £50 preflop re-raise with garbage, is that raises of £4, £5 or £6 pounds at a £1/£1 game just look pretty tame by comparison. Now by bringing £140 to the table (only one other player had roughly the same, others had less) and not really fearing the odd 5BB raise but happy to do a lot of in position raising, I played a pretty loose game and soon generated quite an aggressive image.

Now I don't think this had anything to do with my jackpot hand because the hand played out automatically and I don't think my opponent had much choice but my pay-off came when I looked down at 77 preflop and saw the beautiful 7 8 2 hit the flop. After an 8 on the turn and a 4 on the river all the money was in the pot and I was happy to see my unfortunate villain turn over 2 2 for a lower full-house. As he was the only other comparatively big-stack at the table I doubled-up nicely to around £300. (That's why we bring the big stack to the table kids!)

That was nice. But after this I just managed to play badly and spewed about £50 - which was enough to tell me that I needed to stop. I left the table at about 7 o'clock and with a £110 profit. After leaving and as I walked down a pleasantly sunny Oxford Street I was very tempted to check out my other haunts but after considering that this win puts my live game back in the green this month I thought I'd just bank the victory and head home.

I reckon I'll be visiting the £1/£1 at The Vic a little more often. Yes it's a pretty disgusting 10% rake but, judging from the play today, it seems to be more ev for me than the same game at The Fox where the players seem a tad better. As ever though, we'll see how things go.

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