Sunday 17 April 2011

The Fire Has Gone.

So we're just over 100 days into the year now and I'm sorry to say, my poker game has completely fallen apart. I'm playing so bad right now it's not even funny anymore. Unfortunately, I'm thinking that the reason for this poor play may be due to something that's been lingering in the back of my mind for some time now - but it's not really something I want to shout about on my blog. A $77 online MTT yesterday and an ill-timed sneak back into a nl100 online cash game today was all that was really needed to show that my poker game is totally awful at the moment and probably isn't something I should be doing on a regular basis right now.

So... yes... you've guessed it, I've withdrawn the last few dollars from my PKR account with the intention of REALLY having a proper break from the online game. All I have left at PKR now is my one ticket to a final stage PKRL6 satellite and about 14000 PKR points. It's times like this, when you've had yet another bad day at the tables, that you realise just how difficult it is to sustain a long-term enthusiasm for this maddening game. 

Regardless of this, I brought home £200 in chips from The Empire the other day and they are standing on my shelf at the moment just waiting to go back to Leicester Square. Well, I'll probably be in town with the missus tomorrow so the question will be; "Will I cash 'em or invest 'em?" With the way I feel at the moment I should probably cash 'em and be grateful I've still got the 200 quid knockin' around.



1 comment:

  1. have u ever considered forget about playing get some coach/training/etc? lol
